Actual good "hidden gem", original games that most people probably haven't heard of?
Prog death metal
The Original Fast and the Furious Movies are Amazing
F*ck it. How’d I do?
alright guys, how’d i do?
Avenged Sevenfold - Trigger warning!
If I were to use the retroTINK 4k on say xbox360 would I get the best quality out of the hdmi input or the component?
I picked up a Retrotink2x Mini for my NES. Looks great 99% of the time but sometimes parts of the the image just jitter. Is this normal?
Reading Malazan #1-3 and the Prince of Nothing trilogy made me realize how bloated Stormlight is
Anyone play evil within 1?
What y'all think about Haken?
Is it?
Is it allowed to talk about submissions after sparring in your gym?
Wondering if I should lower it a book or two
whats the best game youve ever played?
Too high?
30 m. From Arkansas. Balding. Married with a kid. Make me cry.
Wife thinks it’s too high…
my bf is a criminal for this
I think it’s high but my wife loves this.
Am I high? Or is my TV high?
Games with a Protagonist you aren't supposed to like
Is jump rope 30 mins a good start to boost cardio
What is your opinion about Smoker's pride?
Here is how I ran cords to my MantelMount TV. The cords go from the wall to the TV with some slack so that the TV has room to move and angle. It’s an external wall so I used cord wraps to give it a cleaner look without opening the wall.