Stuck in a negative feedback loop
Dog Friendly Trails?
Moving soon and need friends
Antony Starr said he was open to voicing Homelander in MK1
[deleted by user]
What’s the worst experience you’ve had in destiny?
What has been your breathtaking moment while playing Destiny?
21 year old making 49K a year @ very first job. Should I move out or stay home with parents?
Rescue needs a name.
Lost 8 games in a row but never gave up.
Hows life making $88k in Houston?
Another MMR rant
Jarring Reactions to Season Finale
Ask Us Questions! 🔴 Developer Q&A Livestream! 🎥
What have you always wished you could do in the games?
Quote this with a tv show or a movie that started and finished like this.
Who do you think has the best chance of winning a match? 1 or 2 explain if you will?
Overprime is dying?
The opinions on the raid display the disconnect between casual and hardcore players.
Fangtooth Stacking
Not having a post-game lobby simply makes the game less fun
What do you want to see from OMEDA to make sure you are happy with them and predecessor?
Is it about time for a new weapon or two? What would you like to see? What's realistic?
Tell your story solider.
Could a PvE mode be fun?
Vanguard exotics?