NOO!!!! How can they end like that 😭😭
Spice clocks Santana!
Sierra is a terrible friend
I was wondering why do people dislike the dialogue in hellsing because I personally find it enjoyable.
My school asks professors to keep track of students daily mental health and customize email communication to individual students
Had my very first committee meeting today. I have no idea what we did for 45 minutes
It never fits
Does Arthur seem underwhelming?
🎶 lyric alphabet- S 🎶
anybody seen this yet?
Has Cracker Barrel food gone down in quality in recent years?
I never knew there was someone else worst than Stevie J with Mimi...Niko just looked disgusting and got on my nerves
Not my student, but they wanted to book an office hour
Young faculty member drowning in service
I am speechless
What kido did Yamamoto use here?
What Are Your Thoughts About Amara
Okay Renji... so your wife did the first move.
Congrats, no one hates you
kim chul death oppinion
What Are Your Thoughts About Chrissy
Failed student next to me on a flight
What Are Your Thoughts About Yandy