Just watched The Descent
Who wins and why?
What is a horror movie scene that made you look away or feel ”phantompain”?
Camel was tricked into eating a lemon!
Getting closer to 4 plates every day. 170kg :)
My Son Has Brzenk Thumbs
This Guy….
What does everyone do after work?
To those who have done a one arm pull up: were you also able to do a weighted pullup with the amount of your bw added? Which is more difficult strength wise?
If your girlfriend has a house and asked you to mow the lawn, do you mow the front lawn instinctively or do you also think of the back included as well?
What’s it called when you let the guy up before the period starts? He choses down but you then “choose neutral”, he gets an automatic point and you actually start the period neutral. When did this start? Is this college only?
Big Ten Championships Day 1
Uno Reverse
Thoughts on The Monkey?
Who's the hottest leading lady? My 90's ladies crushes
Why chase the train, when they already changed the timeline? BTTF3
Having a girl after 3 boys.
Are There Really 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover?
What is it called when someone who is addicted to drugs isolates themselves in a room in order to stay away from it and not be addicted anymore ?
My body is square-ish from behind, what can I do?
In your opinion what is the most technical weight class? In high school.
Her laugh after successfully pranking her husband.