Why does no one bring up UPS?
Did your nparent have one of their own?
You thought $17 was unbelievable?
Y’all need to be more pissed.
I need advice on finding a job as a recent graduate
My nmother keeps reminding me of her existence at the worst possible times
Dental products for tiny cats
Anybody else’s power flickering?
I guess we staying up late
No way that was thunder. Loud boom.
CDL jobs accepting recent grads
Is the sky falling ?? - chicken little
blue light big boom
I passed my CDL exam!
Will disputing a rental car charge cause problems or even work at all?
$900 AEP Bill
Netflix is raising their prices again, what's a price point where you would stop paying?
5° dog walk was worth this view
People Underestimate Columbus's Size
What ages a person REALLY quickly ?
What made you lose a lot of weight?
I’m exhausted, im a supporter, but get no support
AITA for telling my sister her baby isn't a real baby
What's your score?
I am male, but I don’t like being called a man. Does anyone else feel this way?