Do you agree?
If your American, who did you root for in the election?
Lv lock sugestion (Changed)
In your opinion, who is more famous worldwide?
Which is the best vacation spot of these 4 places?
Results of the Tournament
Men only: would you rather be able to sleep with any woman you want (new one every day) and be homeless, or have a nice house but never get laid again?
If they make usually modes hard on accident what the hell will they do on Purpose? What do you mean impossible mode?!
how do some teens feel okay having their dicks grabbed in the middle of the fucking school hallway
You get $1 each time a thing happens in the world. Which thing would you rather choose to profit from?
Who is a rapper you really enjoy but could probably never convince anybody else to like?
Who’s the better rapper?
is spanking a child wrong?
Would you rather detect every lie you hear or get away with every lie you tell?
Which of these people will be the most famous in 25 years?
Is spanking wrong?
Are you pro or anti-AI?
Best Rappers Tier list (Not necessarily the best rapper but who I like more matter as well)
If you're forced to receive one of the following "punishment" which one WYR choose?
That’s… literally just the gravedigger… like literally
Is the R word offensive
What is your opinion on Elon Musk?
My Rapper Tier List
What do y'all think of gay people