Do you guys tag your 96 and 98%?
Update; continuing my 100% rate of 2* research shiny mythicals 🥲
Whit the new what do you think is going to happen?
Which should I max?
Pretty sure I’ve got the most 2* shiny research mythical pokemon
Here are some of my fav pokemon I've collected with my parents since 2016! Which one is your favorite?
How was everyone’s shiny luck with the GMAX Kanto starters. This was from under 30 raids
Should I get this forgotten fellow to level 50? XL candy grind will be tough I guess….
I think I used up all my luck in 2025
Community day just started and got this thing
Which one should i fuse ?
My Alt keeps geting them, so have to pass luck to someone here! Giving 1 away today! 5PM EST!!!! Drop a comment which u want!
Looking for top offering bottom and page 2
Is it worth to elite tm?
Kyurem on me 649929912642
White kyurem raid add quick 828597417588
Kyurem Raid 058333947839
kyurem 5912 3578 6339
White Kym 373378340947
Kyurem on us 5736 2166 4582 or 4627 7670 5578
Zekrom raid only 3 min left join fast !! 334945995796
Hosting Kyurem - 2200 7841 9664
Black Kyurem 2263 0242 1566 2 local PLEASE
Looking for your guess as to my favorite pokemon. Offering Shiny Kyurem with LA or Taipei BG