Am I a tenor or baritone?
Central pthumeru chalice dungeon is no match for me
I wish you could leave a match without getting banned
How to sign “Stay in my ARMS, if you dare” from I Have Nothing
Give a D or E/F tier character 1 buff to make them immediately S tier
ass ass ass, it’s all ass!
Why do you play if you hate the game
Do you really need the win that badly?
i dont think you could say this is worse than any dylan song
Lucario way more viable than forst thought?
Nobody shows MKLeo any respect anymore
Man I sure do love playing evil
What character do you feel has the LEAST toxic player base?
Never Have I Ever Been So Deprived of Happiness When Playing A Game, Fuck Quick Play and Fuck Elite Smash
Songs that sound like they should be Dylan songs
For all you Jank lovers out there
These Characters are literally made for Babies.
What Dylan song are you currently obsessing over?
I’ve developed a “bad” habit because of Bloodborne
I give up on Orphan
What is your favorite Dylan song from each decade of his career?
Well, It was a good run!
What Dylan are You Listening to Today?
What’s your favorite Dylan song OAT?