Do You Want To Be GENE SIMMONS' Roadie For A Day? It Will Cost You $12,495
How do y'all feel about the american booze being taken away?
What is the most perfect album, no bad songs
Just when you thought we had already reached peak insanity
Time for a fix. Gimme your favorite songs about drugs
What is your most used excuse to continue cannabis use
Name this band (wrong answers only)
I don’t think I’m being dramatic when I say - doesn’t it feel like the long term prospects of the planet are grim?
An album that no one else knows about and you really like
What statement makes you roll your eyes immediately?
suggestions for not well known comedy movies
What's the one movie that made you go: what the hell did I just watch?!
Concert that surprised you and made you a forever fan
2025 Hybrid Touring mileage question
What is something others would deem frivolous that you can’t live without?
Guitar solo on A World Without Heroes?
Where do you think the world will be 4 years from now?
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
What do we see the endgame of the current Musk/Trump administration being?
Trump is taking over the Kennedy center - WTF?
It’s Friday night and you’re a senior in high school - what’s the plans for tonight?
Which movie have you rewatched the most?
What’s a time in your life you legitimately got a chill up your spine because you knew something was seriously not right?
If you've seen National Lampoon's Vacation, prove it by quoting it
Elon Musk is scared!!!!!!!!