Scout won't stop watching me as i'm trying to sleep, anyone know any ways to like, calm him down?
Do you think ralsei is weirded out by the random horny interactions between the rest of the cast? like he's got his plans and a desire to fulfill a prophecy, and then noelle wants to be beaten up by tall dino lady.
When picking orisa's second perk do you prefer cock or tits?
They swapped, in the hope that you wont have such a hard time~ Truly remember to show them how much you appreciate them~
A petition to restrict posts that are purely screenshots of power scaler's laughable wiki pages.
Nonbinary infighting
Every artist, writer, and good person hates powerscalers.
The most popular overwatch ships~! Daily reminder, no one other then reddit cares about gency.
The most popular overwatch ships, according to ao3, It's always neat to see this kinda thing and just learn what the fandom likes, ya know? What's your fav ship?
Coaxed into people who bring up fictinal media when you bring up your real life issues.
Loser 2nd amendment rights (mom is a based baddie)
I respect everyone whatever they are
Random deathclaws are so scary bruh, i'm just trying to get to a settlement so i can finish a quest for preston and these lizard gizzard mfers keep giving me heart attacks.
Hey gamers, When you fight an orisa is it more beneficial to hit it from the front or the back?
What are some probable in-universe slurs for this kind of relationship?
Kris can apparently solo Sukuna according to VSBattleWiki
Hai! what do you think would be the omegaverse alienment of the characters from deltarune? I'm a bit split on the topic, a little of two minds, but here's my general thoughts~!
FNV fans got weird insecurity issues about liking banjo-emo but only if it's in a video game and not if it's on the radio, i swear.