What is the best TV show you’ve ever watched?
Can anybody identify this guy? (See info)
Thanks Aldi, I'll look forward to spending this evening on the loo
A Japanese Skateboarding Gameshow that everyone in this sub will love
Songs that have given you euphoria?
How do I open this, the bird feathers are throwing me off but I still can't find a way!
How many drugs do you have to take to style this house
Pumpkins Pet Names
Who are the best centre backs in the Championship? (OC)
Our Hero: “Only real fans who pay $100 deserve my art”
What’s one habit people think is normal but you find secretly disgusting?
Who is the ultimate Championship journeyman?
"Cybertruck Man", Zez Vaz, Digital, 2025
Magnificent Others wish list.
Good Delivery Day
Rolling Stone names 4 Neil Young songs that are their list of 50 Terrible Songs on Great Albums
Impossible Foods teams up with BrewDog to launch plant-based menu across UK
Enter Shikari Themed Names
Feeling dejected after seeing these statistics
Why can't I play this song?
The Piece Hall, Halifax
My definitive ranking of Neil Young's albums
Smashing pumpkins are coming to Iceland! To go or not to go?
The Frogs cover The Smashing Pumpkins
Sunderland's new limited edition Equality Shirt