Ultimate achievement
My thoughts on Niantic’s latest post on GoFest “success”
Just got rejected feeling a bit down in the dumps
Today, its Squeak's birthday!
do i do it(im more interested in collecting the shundo than this)
cool clip of me holding 3 lanes in l3 club league today
Hyra hit 70k trophies
not sure if this is the right flair but which brawler should I get ? (grom or sprout)
"What if I waited until it was windy to fight giovanni?"
The other kids never want to play with me
One of my most important days of my life is tomorrow haha
Is this worth jumping off my bus for?
Where do you guys go during CD?
Today, Arceus blessed me. After 37.266 pokemon caught, i finally got my first and only shundo. Thank you for an awesome com-day!
What do you think about tick?
Claim your here before 5 year archive trophy
Non-Americans of Reddit, what state would you want to visit the most?
y- you're shidding me... it's almost 1 in the morning man....
If I had a nickle for every purified 100% I caught today, I would have two nickles
Divorce leads children to the worst places
A New contest joined the chat.
This is why they teach us geometry in school
Sooo, my friend and i had a competition who can get a shiny and, or hundo ditto first, he blacked me for a day when he realised it wasn't just April fools joke