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Say nice things about Scream 2022
Books you refuse to read to your kids?
Can’t do shit… can’t have shit..
Is parenting less regretful if you have an “easy” child?
Coffee break question
After Dewey and Randy, Anika has the most saddest death in the franchise. Poor Mindy😢
Ever Been Excited for an Author but Ended Up Not Liking Their Books?
Haunted by Thrillers. What are some books that have stayed with you?
How many times have you had a night to yourself?
Are you guys happy with Sidney not appearing in 6 or you wish she did?
How do you feel about DNF’ing a book?
Frieda McFadden, Is she a good author or not ?
Finally gave into the hype of Freida McFadden
Best pallet cleansers for after a really good thriller?
Which returning character would make an interesting ghostface?
What’s your workout routine?
New pic with Neve Campbell, Anna Camp and Sam Rechner during the filming of “Scream 7”
Why is everything fucking awful
I love this subreddit!
Did you do something wild when you turned 40?
Type of chase scene you would like to see in a scream movie
Scream 6
[Article] Matthew Lillard embraces fans & his fellow Scream villain Skeet Ulrich as he talks for the first time about his return for Scream 7