If you are going to intentionally create a "cult film", I don't care to watch.
So, how do we work until our 70s?
struggling with last stages of pregnancy and need something to cheer me up!! Please show me your silliest cat pictures 🥹
Pretty sure a friend of mine stole these from another friend's mom, and then left them at my house in 1991. How they have managed to stay in my LIFE all this TIME, is a mystery... Of the unknown.
Killing Joke
Dr Robocop has a book
Does anybody else here wish that innocuous, background music like smooth jazz, or even elevator music would be played in public places again?
I couldn't miss the opportunity.
What is THE Movie of Our Generation?
what are your most unpopular star trek opinions?
You know you’re old when
What are some of the best props you've brought into your game?
Been a while :D "can ya fly bobby?"
Fun fact: Fossil records indicate Godot and Discord share a common ancestor
Atheist group faces backlash after publishing, then removing, anti-trans article
Never heard of this movie until tonight. Take some time to watch.
Did everyone have a lad in their class who massively over-internalised Jim Carrey’s characters from The Mask/Ace Ventura?
New hour long Dan Harmon interview on MSNBC
Dinosaur Island (1994) A Roger Corman Softcore T&A film that he despised, yet apparently Joe Pesci loved. I remember when TNT showed this movie, early early in the morning, with the sex scenes!
Do you remember when they suddenly started calling them hoodies?
Trump Thinks Putin Is His Friend. The Russians Just Issued a Humiliating Statement to the Contrary.
Forget about your best advice. What's your WORST advice to new DMs?
Very Hard difficulty is the best. Highly recommend it.
This isn't your living room, Boomer!
What a crock -- "The Albertsons-Kroger merger would lower prices for consumers and preserve union jobs"