Woman has a problem with people buying more than 5 items at a supermarket
Giving away 2 copies of My Time at Sandrock on Steam
What holiday parks did you go to growing up ?
I finally finished it!
I truly won yarn chicken (ft. the culprit)
Correct taxi etiquette
are these a cute enough christmas gift? im still a beginner 😭
What are your Top Games of 2024
This is my first tapestry work in progress and I need motivation to not give up
How do I fix this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
in tears because this gift for my friend is bad and I’m too embarrassed to give it. where did I go wrong? proportions? the head feels small
How you guys count rows? I zoned out and lost count
Finished blanket ☺️
Which art style do you prefer for a cozy baker game?
Are there any games that this sub loves but you can‘t get into?
Furnish Master - a game I'm working on as a solo dev is currently on sale!
What do you think are the "canonical" cozy games?
any recs? pc or switch!
Games with flower breeding
games like hello kitty island adventure?
What Is Your Fav Cozy Game Vs Your Worst Cozy Game?
ACNH substitute?
Is there anything like Animal Crossing with better co-op?
Join my new In-Game Community for Moms! :)
Still kinda new to the cozy scene; which game on my To-Do should I tackle next?