Results from a native speaker
Oxford historian faces deportation from UK after doing research on India … in India
weird ass comment order?
Anyone notice that as of late ‘top comments’ tend to show a higher number of comments with 0 to 5 likes?
Match Thread: 6th Match, Group A - Bangladesh vs New Zealand
Please give me a tutoring job
Cyril Ramaphosa signs expropriation bill in South Africa
Discussion Thread
Average alt-righter who enjoys "Open borders for Israel" unironically.
A pic with no context.
Why is this wrong? If I use danses instead it marks the answer as correct.
Duolingo just added Italian for Bengali speakers. Duolingo now has more language courses for Bengali speakers than Hindi speakers, which is interesting.
What are your thoughts on this?
সস্তায় গরুর মাংস রপ্তানি করতে চেয়েছিল ব্রাজিল, না আসার কারণ জানালেন রাষ্ট্রদূত
Do you support children in foster care getting adopted by LGBT couples? Explain your opinions in the comments.
Which house races are you most interested in for 2026 as of now?
Does anyone have the congressional map of 2024 gubernatorial race in North Carolina?
Match Thread: 5th Test - India vs Australia, Day 3
How should I write "Why did you choose this program/university"?
The single largest demographic swing of the election: LGBT voters (D+37->D+74)
2024 House Election in Excellency
Moving back to Bangladesh and thinking of becoming a BUET student
some unfinished timelines
Caretaker govt system finally restored in Bangladesh