What has changed since your eating disorder?
When a scoop of ice cream can turn a good day into a binge day
How to accept compliments ESPECIALLY if you're socially awkward
A HUGE green flag for people with a fear of abandonment
Asking New Yorkers what they want for Christmas | Asking random New Yorkers questions
Sweet and sour pork with a side of cucumber!
When you think everyone is mad at you | When you constantly think someone is mad at you
Going to Toronto with Tesla Guy | Toronto travel vlog | Love in Quarantine Ep18 | Sam Elle
For people feeling behind in life in your 20s | Feeling like a late bloomer
Can’t get over someone, not because I like them, but because I wanted them to like me
Dating in NYC | Tesla guy 😍, trying Dossier perfumes, Queens night market | Love in Quarantine Ep17
Final exam schedule is up!
Stop chasing people who aren’t choosing you
Having a pre-date routine helped with my dating anxiety
Day in my life in New York City | Tesla guy 😍, body struggles, Kevin's birthday + many friends!
Stop looking for the spark!
Stop being afraid of coming across as needy!
How to date when you hate your body | How to be more confident in your body | Sam Elle
LPT: Stop saying yes when you want to say no. If we don’t say yes authentically, we end up saying yes resentfully and that causes more problems than if we had originally said no
Feeling Excited
Why do I always feel sad in the afternoon?
nothing better than mindful walks during a wonderful sunset ✌🏽 i hope you all had another amazing day being alive ✨
Give yourself a set time for how long you'll wait for the other person
Day in the life of a Cornell PhD student: Going to urgent care (BITES EVERYWHERE!) | Cornell diaries
Don't accept last minute dates!