36 M want to be roasted
What’s your greatest porn pet peeve
I'm Sidney fucking Prescott, of course I have a gun.
Who's your Ghostface?
Curiously, what comedian do you dislike the most?
Badass lion with a quarter of its face missing
How to get over a crush?
After today is anyone else nervous
Chappelle Monologue on SNL
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
Parents still not really on board
This provocative tree
Spotted this sticker on my walk today
Clue to a killer in Scream 2.
Beginner looking for protection and well-being.
Who's a comic who stepped away from standup that you wish hadn't?
Dream Scream 7 Opening
What's something you struggle to understand as a fan?
Last photo of lead singer of Linkin Park (Chester Bennington) before him taking his own life
What mask is your favorite?
Which is the best cancelled show you've watched?
To the driver who called me a gook
fan club has assembled 🐟 Good evening to u Williamsburg!
This has been asked before, but what are some fresh takes on your writing process?
What was Carpenter's original reason for Michael stalking Laurie and her friends?