Show me your V (no mods edition)
You are living in night city what is your profession in the city?
Favourite Mega?
Choose wisely
Custodes or Black Templars?
Aside from the mimic what do you find is the best summon
Advice on staying warm without soaking through clothes
I’m divorced at 22
Your first 6 hundos are your team of 6
Its over. Its done
What's a lesser known/kinda mid Pokemon you love?
If you could have any Pokemon as your starter Pokemon, what would it be?
How many hundos do you have?
What is a pokemon you use in any play through you can?
This team a f’ing joke, idk why I thought we’d play any better with these new signings. Another year of the bears shitting the bed incoming.
What’s that one food you’ll never stop eating?
Finally had one night without cutting
What sounded like a compliment when you were young, but you later understood it wasn't?
I just woke up after sleeping for 30+ hours. This past week has been one of the hardest in a while. I don’t know how I made it through
Tortas after a 2 week drug induced bender, homeless living out of my car. 4 days clean and sober though
Realizing I'm never going to be loved. Rum and Chicago style popcorn
Your genitals are now named after the last movie you watched. What is it?
What’s your worst 4*?