Cioks sol -> voodoo hx doubler cable -> hx stomp
Does anyone else wish a list of character names was included with every audiobook?
How are Dingwall stainless vs nickel for NG3 fiver?
SuperMega Saves The Troops - BOOK DISCUSSION THREAD (Spoilers)
Comedy needed
Audiobook recommendations
Unnamed Space Idle - Stuck on level 48-49
Three people to have dinner with?
Would you recommend someone try to become a software engineer, project manager or supply chain analyst?
Is It A Wise Idea To Disclose Any Disabilities To Your Employer During Interview?
Anyone have one of these swing sets?
Have any of you ever been pigeon-holed or stuck under a glass ceiling you just can’t reach?
I love going to new music stores
Confession: I don't wax my chain.
Well I guess Santa Barbara has no love for fascists.
Four curious positions to hold the bass - Does position affect performance?
Splitting long performance into song projects?
Am I the only person who thinks this is their heaviest album?
Apple Studio Display KVM Options
Best possible upgrades for Precision bass
Sheryl Crow waiving to her Tesla, as she sold it as a protest to "President Musk"
Ligature Marks (original vs remastered) differences
Helium backpack assist
The worst part is you kinda see it
A cybertruck attempts to do donuts during a street takeover