La susodicha + un shot de espresso doble
Consejos para ir del gym al trabajo/uni sin problemas (ropa mojada, olores, etc.)
My grandmas room thermometer
Send a funny pic of your cat and I'll sketch it quickly!
The house of a dreams!
Busco recomendación de marca de audífonos .
I don't know whether to eat it or give it a smack
Spicy lil Thang but where there’s a will there’s a way 😅😅
Never doubt the ingenuity of a stoner…🤣
Chuckle brothers
Growers- Extra weed, where does it go?
What are the dots all about?
I love making dessert soup... it's... the best 🤢🤮
Create an image of what you think my life would look like.
Cola taste test
Son los padres de estos "angelitos" los que deberían estar presos (bombas molotov en el INBA).
Am I gonna regret not discouraging this, when he grows up and bites harder?
Dropped the Navi
PARTE 1 - Recopilación de CDs que venian en cajas de cereales (y otros alimentos). ¿Que Juegos me faltan?
Owning pipes/a bong in a nutshell:
I only use the rear brake, the front one is dangerous!
what kind of helmet is this?
Level and Crown or Refret
I’m making a “Where’s Waldo” style book but with cats. Post your cat and I’ll paint tiny pics until the page is full!
Guess the genders of my cats