From (13) to (26)
Ho is this about us?
Ayo I feel called out, again
Libras, wya?
Libras, accepting applications
Yep, haha
Help me understand/ ELI5
Whats your BIG 3 and what ANIMAL would you be??🧐
DAE have a solitary body hair that grows long in a weird spot?
Which kdrama made you cry the most?
Why are Scorpio risings so hot 🥵
Best concealer for maturing under eyes?
Simple living does not necessarily mean minimalist living
What "normal" sensations send you spiraling?
Your body is just made up of what a huge bunch of atoms are doing “right now”. Long after you’re dead all those little former bits of you will be doing something else.
Types of childhood trauma.
Are you strong? Do you want to be? You got the potential you are just afraid to be one.
scorpio moons x selfishness
Is there a list in here of SELF LOVE practices?
2025 goals ✨✨✨
What do you think?
Hey, who am I?