Augment Idea: 2 for 1
Question to Maddie haters aka 90% of the fandom: when did you start to hate her? (Pic Unrelated)
40-Minute Game
Need 1 Gyarados? Best I can do is 10 Dedenne!
CDM Directed: Who Is This For?
I went on a 17 Loss Streak with this deck
Duplicate Logged Emails with GMail Integration
Probability Calculation for Consecutively Flipped Coins
Any tips on how to beat the legion?
every album (except self titled) has had a song starting with “the.” anyone else notice this?
Books for Getting into Reading
This kid's life sure sounds interesting.
my mother is at a concert and she just sent me this
I know they say not to play with your food... but I can't stand Lulu.
Rated R for R-Tradeoffs
Someone should tell him to tint his windows more!
How to Grow a Startup Business
Vainglory Noob asks
What's your favorite ridiculous lie about science
Spoilers from the final scene
OP is a nice guy aswell....
A pigeon getting struck by lightning
Ex coworker likes to over-share.