It hasn't even shipped yet. It's gonna be a long month...
Shark Turtle
I'm a responsible adult, and can be trusted with money! Now I just need batteries...
Haven't played the game yet, but I gotta say: Some of the new TCG cards look AMAZING!
Favorite archetype that makes you go
r/PokeLeaks Discussion Megathread
Need some help identifying a Digivice!
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete - Camper Card Megathread
Need help with UserScripts! (NeoDeck Checklist)
I know the meme is already dead, but I finished the Leech, I would like to apologize for the delays
810NICLE Day - Caught in a Dream (Rahisaurus X Le-Koro Band Remix)
Australian fans! The Monster Hunter V-pet and Digivice Evolution is up for pre-order at EB games!
Playing around with 3D printing. Made some coins themed around the OG party sprites!
Uh... Gesundheit? You wanna run that one by me again?
Friend Code Megathread - January 2025
trust me bro
New oddball obtained! Came with the extras and everything.
Neopets puzzle adventure
Ever get an item that not even JN can help you with?
Hey, I gave him exactly what he asked for! Now he has more than a Pea for Christmas dinner.
I don't know the context, but honestly I agree.
I can confirm the rare eye character on the newsletter website is real!
Strange eye on
Inject the copium straight into my veins