Big news for specifically me (Northernlion sample on new noise-pop "Weatherday" album)
MALISZEWSKI | Release Hallucination - ASTERIA [Futility] +HD (FrenZ, 8.01*) 99.88% FC #1 | 934pp
Ivaxa | Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Violation [pishi's Extra] +DT (Mazzerin, 11.93*) 93.77% 1452/3436x 1xMiss | 1827pp (2165pp if FC) | HIS FIRST 1800pp! | NEW STD PP RECORD!
Ivaxa | Fleshgod Apocalypse - The Violation [pishi's Extra] +HDDT (Mazzerin, 11.93*) 91.70% 659/3436x 4xMiss | 1586pp (2109pp if FC) | IVAXA WTF ???
Accolibed | xi - Ascension to Heaven [Climax] +HDDT (sytho, 10.26*) 97.04% FC #1 | 1669pp | FIRST DT FC & HIS NEW TOP PLAY!!!
bro out here lookin like the pot of greed
I recently found out that the creator of this post unfortunately passed away. His name was Kai Wesener and he was a musical artist under the name bl4ck m4rket c4rt. RIP
I guess there's a new trend! Any major agrees/disagrees?
Claim your “i was here” button
Today is the 24th anniversary of ‘Discovery’ by Daft Punk, how would you rate this album and what’s your favourite song?
Teppi Fangirl | Chroma - sink to the deep sea world [HP0(copy)] +DC(0.6x)DA (None1637, 5.39*) SS 255/255x | 314pp if ranked | (top diff ending, AR NEGATIVE 27 edit)
Favorite indie armpits?
What was the most cheated and godmode score when you started playing?
We found Luke 50 ¥en
I wonder why
How Did You Discover This Game?
How is this cover for an experimental/industrial/trip-hop instrumental ep?
NINERIK | Dragon Guardian - Tenkai e no Kippu [Our Ascension to Heaven] +HDNC (Astronic, 9.43*) 99.20% FC #1 | 1536pp | 1ST DT FC!!!
new topster!! recommend me similar albums (or judge me)
How Well Would 2020 top Players Perform in the Current Aim slop Meta? Compare them According to Their Skill at That time.
Not counting mrekk, what is the current distribution of speed and aim scores in the top 50 scores?
United at last
What's the most consistent album you've ever heard?
kt09- | Aether Realm - The Sun, The Moon, The Star [Mourning Those Things I've Long Left Behind] +EZHDHTFL (ItsWinter, 9.28*) 99.52% 8605/8693x 2xMiss | 875pp (940pp if FC) | NEW TOP PLAY