Can he?
Is it wrong to get upset at my gf for kissing her gay bsf?
Just why???
Quick question for anyone in this sub
What’s the one food that you absolutely cannot live without?
I’m from NZ .. ice cream conversation
Can the decent players be on my team please
Can anyone else relate?
Looking for active players
I wish there was a way...
What's with all the people lined up at Pacific Fair?
What should I name this horse?
Cats of instagram
I just downloaded the game and I have a quick question
Too Good?
F-106 or Su-22?
Should the devs add a chat system instead of emotes in the game chat?
Anyone else anxiously awaiting confirmation of Ronnie's arrival?
This game has no sound matchmaking system
Wouldn't be Cool if...
Anyone have an open squadron?
What’s your favourite HUD style?