Love it if we made it 3
Tickets for Glastonbury
Which song are you fixated on right now?
What’s your Be My Mistake story?
Classical Christian Ed for my MKs while on furlough...seems icky?
T for Trumanblack?
Fav subtle Luke and Lorelai ism is that Luke always rests his hand or rubs Lorelai’s knee when they sit together 🥰
New homeowner / first time decorator. How’d I do? Any tips?
June 3rd
what song does this sound like? 😭
djats inspired jewellery 🌞
What do you think about Paris's full circle moment in the revival?
I don't get the whole Rory-Logan-Odette love triangle...
Has anyone else noticed Luke and Lorelai switch sides of the bed depending on the episode?
Do you regret getting into advertising?
What would you remove from Gilmore Girls?
Pre-Brat How Did You Find Charli XCX
my birthday cake from last year!!
Lets play F*** Marry Kill
Most Iconic Mean Girls On TV ?
The kindest thing Luke ever did
What's a line you say, randomly and unprompted to yourself?