I will listen to your FNF Song suggestions and rate it from 1-10 (Rules below)
How protected is Aaron by Your OC
You wanted Aaron back, he's back..
Should I just revive Aaron?
Aaron has a TEMPORARY Doll body, ask him anything!
Ask Lukas anything! (New OC)
All I said to him is that it’s not Halloween yet…
Memes I made!
A what does your OC do when they See Aarons grave vandalized?
[OC] robot cuddles
Emperor Xyren!
Ask Zara anything! (It's been a long time we haven't seen her)
Some arts from BOTS group chat :p (last image unrelated)
You see this happening, what do you do?
Binary AU: Mission I/1/- status. (+ News)
The Creature Head Canons
Your OC is invited for a party! How dose your OC react
Aaron has gained the ability to possess sprunkis and objects..
The Villains Meeting (It took me a lot of time, please read all)
Who broke this glass?
Aaron's funeral
Zombie Cyna
hello bois Fessyboi makes a statement
Did you guys forgot about Timo?