Vibration when moving
5 Month GROWTH UPDATE (crazy results🤣)
Help… I’ve just bought a 2014 skyactiv d 2.2 diesel with 70k on clock and after reading some stuff I’m worried… are they really that bad? Should I give it back?
Say "yes" if you clit is under 7 inches and you'll get a task
My new Crafter D-Alp-e Pro… I’m absolutely loving it so far, has anyone else ever had one of these guitars, what was your experience?
2 fantail gold fish in 32gallon fluval tank
Anyone here with 3+ years experience actually used the Tpob Play clipper? Is it worth buying or another shit clipper?
Decorated with some rocks from the local river for a more natural vibe
My guys doing well
What is this stuff growing out my filter?
What is this growing out of/ under my filter?
Best medication for ICH?
The team, currently attempting to grow an algae carpet, any tips??
Love my build atm 🙌🏽 any pedal recommendations?
I will draw your goldfish
My 3 Amigos
The fellas
How’s it looking? First time owing a betta
3 months difference
6 weeks growth, any tips for good growth? 180l tank running at 26 Celsius, plenty of water changes and feeding
Can anyone help me identify what species these are?
Can someone identify these fish for me please?
My new oranda! What’s best way to help grow?
Are there any other shoes that are good for BMX except Vans and Etnies.