get your minigun free rn from the gun van, even if you're under level 100
Customers ain’t getting these cars back idc
Arena war vehicles are so wacky
Why does no one commit to heists ?
can i run gta on my pc ?
Bought the Starling today -- WORTH IT 😂 40% off this week!
I just got gta on my PC and need a different vehicle besides the armored karuma. I don’t like that i can’t shoot out the back of the vehicle. I need help choosing some other options, Something fun and practical hopefully.
Monthly Simple Question and FAQ Thread
Looking for possible partners to play gta5 online with (mostly for Cayo heist help and just to have some fun)
This will help you
BMX PVP is still peak
What additions to the game do you think had a negative impact
What Cars would yall want to see added into online?
I miss bfbc2. My favorite game.
Found this random traffic car
Great Game R*, Very Enhanced, Much fix.
Anyone still missing their armored Paragon R after all these years
Isn't this the new propellor plane in the latest guzman update??
Deluxo Fun non-hostile
i can’t even afford a haircut bro
My outfit
Why do some pick chaff? Why do some pick flare?