Tech Rich, Labor Poor...
I haven’t pooped in a week! What should I do? OWE
What’s the most Irish thing to do this St Patrick’s Day? OWE
I got a horror movie idea! It’s about a girl who comes home and realizes that (the) _________!😱😱😱 OWE
I saw a guy at planet fitness lifting like _______. Needless to say, they had to take him out on a stretcher. OWE
Welcome to Cluckin' Bell! Can I take your order? OWE
Did you hear about that guy who is dating _____? OWE
The next Disney animated movie will be about ___________ OWE
You’re ______, you don’t even know what you got OWE
Going out for a walk soon, shall I take the left path or the right path. OWE
Yikes. Found in Alpine.
ftm 15, got NO CLUE what im doing..
It's tempting, but I really don't think it's a good idea to ______________ . OWE
What exactly is a “rando encounter”? It sounds vaguely hot, to be honest. OWE
"The worst thing the hivemind ever did was" OWE
I made a game where you _______ OWE
Can you write down MLK's "I have a dream" speech? OWE
Introducing Star Wars Episode 10: _____________! OWE
My mom says I’m charming and beautiful, but everyone else thinks I’m _____________ OWE
Try to make a BFB scene OWE
Before everything went black, the last thing I saw was ______________ OWE
The best pizza topping combination: _______. OWE
I like big ______ and I cannot lie... OWE
If my life had an official slogan, it would be _______. OWE
If I could leave a message for my future self, it would say _______. OWE