Elliot and his daughter s1 question
favourite hair era?
Vote ONE character to eliminate
Do you think that hitting your children is okay?
Lip piercing burning
Korean to English translation
Which one do you like most?
Do you think the email on DM is about Matthew?
What Criminal Minds opinion are you defending like this?
What Modern Family opinion are you defending like this?
Told my dad I’m on my period 🫶
favorite unconventional duo? why?
Does he have a girlfriend?
You have to only pick 1 duo which is it?
Does anyone else find it surprising that MGG is still single?
My husband and I met MGG and yall are the only people who will know who I mean 🥲🥲
Elle era
How gory is Criminal Minds?
Who is everyone's favorite "background agent?" Mine is agent anderson. We see him in 18 episodes! All the way to season 14! Idk why I love him as a character so much lol.
how did you discover matthew :)
Who would you pass the aux to?
what age do you think it’s okay for someone to lose their v-card
Guys Ask Girls
Describe your personality with 3 emojis and I'll decide how much I like you (1-10)