OK guys, serious question: Tell me about the scariest aspect of your personality.
IU evolution 🖤 dramas name 1-moon lovers 2-my mister 3-hotel del luna 4-when life gives you tangerines
One pair you'd like to see?
Actor/actress on Elite category according to your standard
Worst kdrama you watched?
Leo’s, Are we overspender and shopping freaks
As an ENFP, which fictional character do you relate to the most?!
What sign is a hard pass for you Leos ?
Masking to not take things to heart
ENFPs - are you messy and chaotic - or are you more tidy, organised, OCD?
Thoughts on biology?
What is your 10/10 JDRAMA?
ENFP Rant About Clingers, Weirdos, Losers & Gatekeeping Your Energy (Exercising Fi)🗣️📢🚨🔔‼️
What is your system for choosing aspiration?
Bro tell the stupidest drama you ever watched and why!!
Design prompts?
Montessori for the adult
Getting out of the potential trap
What's your top "Guilty pleasures" Dramas... The Dramas you love to watch but can't tell anyone
Park Shin Hye - best work?
What’s your star sign?
What Korean actress/actor do you wanna appreciate for their beauty? Underrated only!
Who here doesn’t drink caffeine?
In defense of Madison