Guest artist looking for host
A horror movie you regret watching
What are your sun and moon signs and what negative trait is the most difficult for you or whats your biggest flaw?
What’s your Venus sign?! How do you approach love matters? 💕💗💔💘
What's your once you see it you can't unsee it film?
Astrocartography has gave me extreme anxiety…
Anyone else notice how aggressive cancers can be ?
what sign/placement is this?
Most intiimidating zodiac signs
Do you feel connected to people who’s sun sign is your moon sign?
Tell Me What's Good or Great About Oakland!
Which signs are your kryptonite ? The ones who make you go weak in the knees but you know are bad for you ?
Am I the asshole for how I responded to a love letter?
What's your moon and a non-negotiable when dating?
What was the first horror movie that actually scared you?
‘I want a gf so bad’- everyone on this sub
Which placements would make great FWBs?
Guest spot + Industry struggle
Guest spot + industry struggle
Guest artist
Any Aquarius and Leo Moon Experiences?
Valentine’s day is nearing…
What’s your horror comfort movie?
Saddest scene in a horror movie?
Question about Leo moons