It should be legally considered a crime against humanity for anyone under the age of 15 to access the internet outside of school
Surrounded by Straight Friends
Thinking of Suicide because of my sexuality
Astaghfirullah no we don't have to consider you —small fat on IWL journey ✌🏿
That's not how to use a Venn Diagram
FA's somehow make Palestine about them
2.5x your current income or make $300,000 per year working at one of the major fast food restaurants (McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc)
I love the heat
A life saving drug or just a reason for people to be more fatphobic?
Is this just me or do you guys see it as well?
The worst opinion you are about to hear starter pack
Not having unnecessary environmental pollution is fatphobia yall (take 2)
I just love getting to be a lesbian
Lesbiphobia/Misogyny in Music
Going to a "dykes & dogs" event in the morning, wish me luck
Supernormal calories.
More fatphobia from doctors it seems
there is no way this isn't a copypasta, right?
I think it’s more likely that fat people are ‘victims’ of their own choices, mindset and actions. But go off I guess.
I have no words
No it's not a naked body, I thought so too
Is lesbian identity obsolete
Buying shoes as a kid starterpack
No profanity, please
SANITY - Calling out the misogyny frequently lobbed at anorexic women.