Tri Tip Roast
What is your favourite 'using the toilet' euphemism?
Tracks with Latin Flavor
How can I set it up so it NEVER shows me american politics?
When do we begin feeding them?
What are you starting to love more as you get older?
Portola is in front of the SF Entertainment Commission right now applying for their permit
Anyone else turn their papers inside out?
Verm as top layer for germination?
German tv show where contestants try to split things perfectly in half
They literally are in control!
It's 2002, what are you listening to?
Zero accountability
Looking for testers to keep koken alive
Other than YouTube, how do you use your iPad?
First time trying seeds. How am I doing?
What’s a service you happily pay for every month because it keeps your business running smoothly?
Pachgerocereus orcutti breaking soil 🌵
Sony A7SIII vs FX3 vs Lumix S5IIX
What are you bad at no matter how much you try?
For people who have the freedom to work whenever they want, what do you do?
Enjoy your Sunday.
What movie do you watch at least once a year?
Best careers in the printing industry?
What’s your most prized possession (excluding cars and real estate)?