🚩🚩The #1 RED FLAG in Love Is Blind history? I’ll start...
DAE with a penis choose to sit down to pee?
Neighborhoods in Minneapolis
Sara's TikTok Pt 1 & 2 response to Ben's receipts
Sara Responds Part 1: Sara tells her side of the breakup
Moving Question: How much of the winter does the weather stop people from going out?
Joey’s sister’s comments on reunion
Joey Derangement Syndrome
Dave at the Reunion
Unpopular opinion: Jessica’s speech should not have been #1 moment in LIB history
The reunion was just bizarre
Both said No because of values, but still wanted to pursue relationships with their exes after the show 🤔
What's the worst "Bonus" a job has ever given you?
Let's talk about the costume
I mixed up my deliveries
Places to study that aren’t coffee/tea shops?
Who is the good guy in history who isn't actually a good guy?
I was a victim of being influenced into the carnivore diet
Sara Admitting This Was Hilarious
The Failing 'Love Is Blind' Show—Sad!
I think our jury duty system is broken
Is it bad that I'm surprised?
Which couple’s decision felt more satisfying to you? Feel free to tell us why
Questions you want the Lachey's to ask at the Reunion