Linux has good people in the community, but
Weak name for such a glorious city
iso is a file format and please don't use IANAL
Dump posting about installing from source
Nobody knows why he did that
1 story per day is crazy
Why do some Rokus not have common streaming apps in the store while others do?
He truly didn't. Never forget.
A alguno de ustedes, dominicanos, lo han confundido con indio (de La India, no precolonial) antes?
What Dragon Ball take in this fandom made you go like this?
This sub in a nutshell
Come punch a hole here. I dare you
Luigi’s Favorite Distro
Yes i use Arch on my servers, pacman -Syyuu goes brr
This is better than work-spaces (for my use case), didn't know about it, has been available for decades.
Its still a great release, don't get me wrong!
My whole personality is not about Linux I swear
This says a lot about society.
Where is everybody on this sub from?
Is it crusading time yet?
I love wearing it just because of this
They are all listening
It's the truth. I'm sorry. All of them listen to me.
El Argentino más hetero: Bancan?