Anybody still left from November? 🥺
is there any way to speed along VES uploading C&P results to VA?
November claims how we doing?
Hey everyone
Bangers from OIF / OEF
Honorable discharge certificate
How long before your c&p were downloaded?
Need advice
I Got You Babe - Kuwait
What do you all do with uniforms after separating?
Exams done and have TJ, but don’t see exams uploaded. Is that normal?
What do you feed your husky?
Guard Dogs?
What options are there for body pain?
Successful Pact Act/TERA Claims
Is Psoriatic Arthritis considered a pre-existing condition?
The pharmacy gets final say on prescribing meds at the VA?
Any other "female" vets struggle with this?
About to get married, is changing my name going to cause problems with my VA stuff?
Randomly Paralyzed Husky (pls keep her in your thoughts)
I got a good letter
Huskies are so majestic, the closest domestic descendants of the wolf. Also huskies:
VA Healthcare Question
What do we mean to the VA?