The elder wizard gripped his staff tight and a swirling portal opened in front of us.
Stop playing games and put that back where you found it.
The fluffy puppy trotted gleefully up to it.
She leaned over the bubbling cauldron and stirred in the nail clippings.
SWE intern with 1+ year of experience but unsure how to proceed
Where are you guys planning to invest in 2025?
He can't be the 105kg champion
What is the most brutal insult you’ve ever heard in your life?
my right forearm is now 5cm bigger
Birds outside my window at 5 am
Daily Simple Questions Thread - January 14, 2024
Youtube: Guy Picks Up Hookers on Kensington and complains about bad service lmao
What is something super detrimental to your health that most people don’t realize?
Sarah Jarosz - When The Lights Go Out [Indie/Americana]
Treasury bills Vs. Money market Vs. CD’s Vs. SGOV Vs. HYSA Vs. Other alternatives. What’s the best way to park my short term cash?
Return to Office Is Bullshit And Everyone Knows It
Are the New Anti-Obesity Drugs Inexpensive Enough to Scale?
Portfolio Pros. Is the dragon portfolio outdated? Looking at historical performance and new adaptations is the federal government’s platform for sharing and exploring America’s open source software.
How To Hire Dedicated Developers?
Trump lacked power to declassify secret nuclear arms document, experts say
How can I improve my relationship with investing (and my mental health)?
Why aren't you hosting movie nights at your place?
Should I keep my current short hair or try growing it out again?
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, April 18, 2023