What is your favourite anime opening?
Suggest me a book based on other books i like
Books that will help me keep my mind off real life
Name 3 books you really enjoyed, and someone else will recommend a book they think you might like based on those
Give me a list of all the greatest books I HAVE TO READ
I have an idea to give my daughter a book every year for her birthday that has her age that year in the title, LF suggestions
Suggest me a cozy book I won't be able to put down
Looking for a ligh and funny rom/com for a weekend on the beach
Which book did you have the most fun reading?
Suggest me a book where “everything is connected”
Books that left you completely satisfied
Suggest me a book that really scared you
Adult books that aren't too intense? kids books that are enjoyable for adults?
What is the most pain you've ever felt?
Convince me to read a book without telling me what is it about
What is your favorite book title? (Not to be confused with "what is the title of your favorite book?")
What’s something fucked up that happened to you as a kid, that you didn’t think twice about until adulthood?
What about famous books you don't like
Hi! What is your favourite Stephen King book?
Suggest me something like HItchhiker's guide to the galaxy
What book had you the most emotionally invested in the characters?
Ntbdbiwdftc named Lily
Looking for something like Beach Read or Funny Story
Hi! Looking for something with comedy and romance
Looking for best thrillers