Eternals and Infinity War Crossover
It's Trudeauver
Hum: 25 of the most iconic Ottawa restaurant dishes, from egg rolls and pizza to fine-dining
CFMWS Advice needed!
Proposed new seat of the Canadian Government
Canadian Ate Chuet, a former fighter pilot has been exposed - Sold NATO carrier procedures and E-2C Hawkeye documentation to China, while also training Chinese pilots
VAC education benefits
Implications of DAOD 5039-2 (Official Languages in the Workplace)
Iraqi refugee Salwan Momika predicting his own deaath last month. He was assassinated today in Sweden while on a live stream
Anybody else wrap gifts poorly and use the excuse "The kids wanted to help"?
I realized what I found weird in the storytelling of Force Awakens.
Jon Jones activity pre-UFC is crazy to me
Perfectionist police officer beats biracial man halfway to death
The shortcut I take everyday on my bike across the grass is starting to create a desire path
[SCS] Take your pick.
Bosses that you weren’t supposed to beat at that point in the game but you beat anyway.
Kaos cancelled
Gale is the best origin to play. You can't change my mind.
A typical prep for winter in ukraine 🇺🇦
This chiwiwis dude got a solid foundation he should try MMA
Funny reasons to be kicked! What was yours?
BMO Mortgage Rates
One Inch or Less
Why do people on local transit speaker phone their conversations or worse their music?
Coronation Medal Nominations Open...