Post dedicated to the beautiful Hina
Which Persona character should be in smash next?
A spanish dub I made with some friends!
I added user flairs ^_^
I just finished the original anime. What now?
Sheik has been ELIMINATED! Comment a character you want removed and I’ll pick the most upvoted one!
Bunny Girls Kurisu, Mayuri, Faris and Suzuha for S;G 15th Anniversary
Thought I finally found a good deal on NHK Volume 8.... its in spanish 😭😭😭😭😭
Favourite Sega main character?
What SEGA character or franchise would you like to see in the next Smash Bros?
I think it wouldn't be bad if Sonic had a new crossover with SEGA characters.
I love SEGA
Is it normal that as a guy I find Satou pretty attractive?
When did you realize that the American Metal Sonic had a mouth?
Super Smash (versión SEGA)
Misaki is very adorable
What is the equivalent of this in this fandom?
I just discovered this franchise, what do you think?
true story.
I might've just created a new character. Should I name it?
Knuckles' face says it all...
Lab Members
Its not just me right?
Mayuri in the manga>>>