Another One in the Wild
Gaming after 30
Vitamin D
What phobias do reptile owners have?
Rock candy
For parents who do screen time
What does your toddler cosleeping setup look like?
Does anyone know what this is exactly? Asking for a friend.
Why does my cat come lay next to my baby so much if the baby annoys her?
Kendrick Lamar Concert while pregnant?
US tour support?
Best pet insect/bug/arachnid in your opinion?
Good restaurants
Where do you change your baby if they poop somewhere with no changing table?
Elon Musk out of his mind on drugs during a CPAC interview.
Grandma got stern with Baby tonight.
Grandma got stern with my baby tonight.
found this in a spanish record store today
Baby watching tv
Need advice… what do I do if I have SEVERE mental health issues?
Sushi restaurant
Musk's kid tells Trump, "I want you to shush your mouth," and "you're not the president, so you need to go away!" Where would he get ideas like those?!! /s
Mosh pits / gig behaviour
Don’t go to Spay/Neuter Express
FES this Reload that SHUT UP