Najlepsze steki w Poznaniu?
What are some cheap icons worth adding to a casual squad?
Dear Rush Players
Kamiński po pytaniu o alkohol, nazwał przewodniczącego komisji "świnią" i wyszedł.
Largest immigrant groups in every Swedish province
So I’ve finally got to play the game and need an easy build
How often do you change tactics
FM on ipad
Ludzie w blokach żyją jak w średniowieczu
La Liga December POTM Nominees
Szukam książek o XVII-wiecznej Polsce
Poznański Trójkąt Bermudzki & poznan_moment
352 Guide From a 20-0 WL Player | EAFC 24 Update
My home office
Moved in recently. Feels incomplete. Any advice on what to add for living room?
What are freedoms many countries in the world have that the United States does not have?
Give me your fav mid-tier beasts (20k-60k)
How do men enhance their physical appearance?
Demonstrations are also spreading in Poland. We never imagined this.
People who don’t like pizza. How did you learn that and how others react?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Hikaru Nakamura thinks one can reach master level 2200 with good tactical skills and a basic opening repetoire. Thoughts?
Does anybody else hate how Americans pluralize ‘pierogi’ into ‘pierogies’?
Polish coworker in U.S. made us pickle soup
Jak radzicie sobie ze znajomymi wiecznie zajętymi i odpowiadającymi na wiadomości po tygodniu?