There is no way to practice DPS if you're not an insta-locker
How does Iron Fists armour work?
Stop banning Spiderman as a response to Namor ban
Why is Spider-Man being constantly banned in competitive?
The narmor and starlord had to have been smurfing maybe a even black widow
Stop banning Spidey every game
Ban Teamates Hovers at Your Own Risk
World record loss streak?
Spiderman in every lobby
Can't view message requests because of end - to - end encryption in messenger
A developer who actually listens
POV : you decide to ban Bucky every match
We really need to talk about Rocket...
I wasn't even on his screen bro😭💔
Genuine Question: What do people find in Jeff, Moonknight, and Scarlet Witch?
NO one else thinks Spiderman is badly design?
Anyone else stuck in Plat/Diamond?
Do you think employers prefer if you are presently working?
Tired of the Spider-Man slander, feel free to share tips for any spiders out there, whether you're someone that plays him or somebody else.
Jeff typed "I'm throwing" before the match started, sat afk in spawn all game both rounds, then did this at the very end so rub salt in the wound.
Should I give up at this point
Can we please stop now??
Nothing is more painful then finally playing dps in quickplay and then sucking at it
whats the most annoying / unfair hero to play against?
Vanguards and Strategists Your Ears Please...