With less than 1 month to go, how many clues have you collected and how many sets have you completed?
New consent for advertising?
Barriers to synagogue entry
Aside from LOTR/The Hobbit what are the best, most quintessential fantasy books/series that everyone should read?
Worth continuing hidden legacy series (Ilona Andrews)?
Firebase, Supabase, or Custom Backend? Which Do You Prefer?
Suggestions on post processing to improve the photo?
What elements of a fantasy genre book review do you trust?
Questions about Hundred Thousand Kingdoms - NK Jemisin - SPOILERS
Medium to Markdown - any suggestions?
First attempt at fantasy photography, how to increase fantasy feel?
What book or series would you personally categorize as "greatness"
For those who are hobbyist and not planning to make Photography as a career. What’s your goal?
Is there a prolific author that you've read every one of their books? Regardless of trope?
How to make these abstract photos better?
Whack A Mole
Pet peeves when reading romance novels? Mine is romance inception (romance within a romance, within a romance). What are yours?
Books you looked forward to but ended up disappointed
I have a weird request for y'all
Why anyone would choose Firebase over Supabase?
I don'nt like any state managment packages what's wrong using built in ChangeNotifier?
300$ Flutter Competition is now accepting submissions. Submissions are accepted til 21st Feb. Please submit your apps.
Tefilat Haderech when driving alone?
Tips for publishing in Jekyll and also on an online blogging platform?
Is there a book where the FMC is told she must work/live with a man and she says no?