Doggy Drilling
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Guys, I found my endgame wallet
This guy gets way too much hate
Hottest Day of the Year
ITAP of a boat at sunset
Mid May Travel
A perfect watch to match my wedding band
Just some advice for Apple Watch
May be working in Fort Meade. Is no commute possible?
Today marks 1 year of this Casio
What are some of the minor league sports teams in the DC area?
F this shit
Yes, this is actually my everyday setup
UPS drivers, what was your WORST loaded truck like? and how did you get through the day?
Looks like we’re still safe for now
Walmart drone making a delivery
A few of my favorite things
SOTC why do I have so many that I needed to use the wide angle lens and now the picture looks like poop
10875’s ready for a resole
Day 1 vs Day 1500 on some 10875's
Idiots! As far as the eye can see!
The Legendary 43 Point Turn
3D printed cube that I fully designed by myself
Cafe stops near trails
Have you ever saved someone's life? How did it happen?