i had my first migraine yesterday and texted my dad because he suffers from them. the response i got was INSANE
Alternative names to "women's underwear"?
What is the stupidest question you've been asked about being trans?
No support for surgery
Why do midwesterners think I'm a woman
Why do we lose our piriods on T?
What happens to our sex organs and processes when starting t?
Can I get a G spot surgically???
Injecting a metal rod for puberty blocker? What is that?
I’m a disgrace to humanity!
To those of you who've been on T, did your hair change colour at all?
Any alternative methods of getting testosterone?
Important Announcement (Huge Trigger Warning)
When does the tdick stop growing/ is fully grown ?
some good SCHOOL APPROPRIATE!! dan and arnold quotes for my senior quote this year
Wunkus is a personal cardio trainer
disgusting lustunous wunk
How often do you clean the litter box?
2 days post-OP
Clone a Willy
My cats are into game grumps
What was your most awkward checkout experience?
Gay guys, how do you or did you date while pre-T?
Soooo this just happened!
Changing your gender marker