Finally putting it out there..
Weekly Self-Promotion! Advertising on the more down-low.
Twenty Twenty is a perfect album
How long should I expect to be waiting?
Need help finding the right places to look
Vintage Pokémon Singles
First rejection really stings
DJO at Laneway Australia & NZ
Is the Rocket Tilted?
What do you hate about UAH? What do you love about UAH?
How hard is it to get on-campus dorms?
Never doubted Thorne For a Minute
Escape rooms
Auburn vs Cal Game score predictions?
Making a novel can u lmk what u think it’s a mock writing
Sovereign Citizen spotted in S. Huntsville
Without context, What's the plot twist of your book?
Is this allowed???
Dear writers, what was the last thing you searched on internet for sake of writing?
Name a random 90s song that you l love
your favorite beatles song? and why!
EOB Remixes